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Gloopies, pet robots

These adorable pet robots are reminiscent of the Hexbugs, insect robots of all shapes and colours to collect to create a real colony. Ycoo's new Gloopies toy robots are fun to collect. There are 6 of all the colours from which the children will no longer be able to separate:

The orange and green lizard robots

The blue and pink frog robots

Red and yellow chameleon robots

Be careful, whatever model you receive, the Gloopies are always hungry and you will have to feed them. Press or pull the mechanism on top of the robot to make it stick out its tongue and feed it, but with what ? Well, whatever you want to give him. The language of the Gloopies is magnetic, which allows it to catch all the small metal objects you put in front of them, such as paper clips.

Gloopies robots also make funny sounds and their backs light up in all colours, making them visible at night. Funny little toy robots that will become the best friends of the little ones in no time.

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